Friday, May 04, 2007

Roberston Cild Custody Case Videos

Roberston Cild Custody Case Videos

Fri May 4, 2007 6:31 am (PST)

I've posted two videos on YouTube of Channel Nine News Sydney and A
Current Affair's coverage of the Murray Robertson "child abduction"
Story that's been making news here in Australia over the past few
Days. It's great to see a father's side of the story for a change.
Greg Andresen

Also see Dr Warren Farrell recent Interviews.

Greg A. has sent the web addresses of two interviews (video) from Dr Warren Farrell which provide compelling arguments as to - not only why equal residency should be considered in cases where there is conflict between the parents, but that it is especially important in these cases.
"There is also a compelling reason why the existence of conflict between the parents, as distinct from abuse of the children, should actually be a positive reason to grant equal residency. In separations that have developed into two highly antagonistic camps, if one parent gets a vast majority of the time that 'majority of time' by itself tends to pull the child into that parents camp."
Geoff Holalnd. Cairns.Australia

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