Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Fathers got to the Family Court like Lemmings

Just sat down to re do my new application after being told it has to be on
a Form 1 (Form 2 is for ongoing matters). Mine apparently is fresh because
I've already had two final Judgements (the first was breached by my X, the
2nd denied my little girl her father).

Just looked at the FC site - these 20 or so cases today - men are still
pouring in like lemmings.
Is there some way we can warn them? I certainly didn't know when I
started. It'll be much worse know because the media has been selling the
idea that you can get equal parenting. Which is only possible if the
mother doesn't play the "distressed card"

If I knew what it was about I would have put my cap in hand, my tail
between my legs and not contested a single unilateral decisions my X
made. If I had done this I feel positive I would still have a relationship
with my daughter NOW.

Once the solicitors get hold of them it becomes a fight for power. The
child become cannon fodder and after hundreds of thousands of dollars -
your life and your child's childhood is in ruins - the glow of victory
begins to fade for your X as she deals with a child that is reeling at
what she did to her Daddy.

If only people knew.

How can we let them know?

What means is there to warn fathers?



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